User Profile

Khaled Qasem


Highest Rated Photographs

متعة التأمل
From A Distance
Average vote: 6.7700
أحلام سعيدة
Average vote: 6.2000
ابتسم للكاميرا :)
Portrait with a smile
Average vote: 5.5615
الضوء الذهبي
Portrait with a smile
Average vote: 5.3692
ابتسامة أثناء الحديث
Portrait with a smile
Average vote: 5.2769
ابتسامة خجولة
Portrait with a smile
Average vote: 5.0385
البحار الصغير
Portrait with a smile
Average vote: 4.7692
على الحافة
From A Distance
الرحلة الى ارتفاع 2500 متر
From A Distance
سكوتر بناتي
I participated in 4 contests
I voted on 3 contests
I gave a total of 31 votes
I gave a global average of 3.432258
I received a total of 217 votes
I received a global average of 5.482488


I gave a total of 1 comments  Valuable 0
I received a total 11 comments  Valuable 0

Total jury points 0 

Total jury points from 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2013 0 


Please Select one

للتسجيل على دي بي كليك

Tutorial Rate:

من قُبيل الفطور الى بُعيد السحور

Tutorial Rate:

A Day in the life of Jordan 25+

Tutorial Rate: