User Profile



Highest Rated Photographs

اطلبو العلم
The Woman
Average vote: 6.7667
في كل الميادين
The Woman
Average vote: 6.7333
زهرة حمحم الغور - رحلة حياة
Spring in Jordan
Average vote: 6.4693
المرأة في البادية
The Woman
Average vote: 6.2833
بلا حدود
The Woman
Average vote: 6.1500
ربيع التاريخ
Spring in Jordan
Average vote: 6.0667
عمق الربيع في ام قيس
Spring in Jordan
Average vote: 5.9444
استراحة تحت المطر
Rule of Thirds
Average vote: 5.8130
قلاية ام مروان
Your favorite dish
Average vote: 5.7833
ربيع الكورة - قطعة من الجنة
Spring in Jordan
Average vote: 5.6667
بيتزا لذيذا
Your favorite dish
Average vote: 5.6167
The Woman
Average vote: 5.5000

a window to my work

I participated in 9 contests
I voted on 50 contests
I gave a total of 3126 votes
I gave a global average of 5.882397
I received a total of 219 votes
I received a global average of 5.251141


I gave a total of 4 comments  Valuable 0
I received a total 10 comments  Valuable 0

Total jury points 5300 

Total jury points from 01/01/2013 to 30/06/2013 472 


Please Select one

للتسجيل على دي بي كليك

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من قُبيل الفطور الى بُعيد السحور

Tutorial Rate:

A Day in the life of Jordan 25+

Tutorial Rate: