Place: 5 out of 34
Average vote: 6.7733
Views since voting: 39
Views during voting: 39
Votes: 24
Comments: 9
Favorites: 0
Voting Breakdown
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Photographer's Comments
هذه الصورة التقطها عند دار الضيافة للمسنين حيث ذهبت هناك أنا وأصدقائي كعمل تطوعي باختصار شديد التقينا مع هذ الرجل المسن حيث أصابته حادثة وعائلته بعيدين عنه ولم يرغب بالحديث معهم لعدم ازعاجهم!!!ولهذا التجيء إلى دار المسنين ومن هذا المنطلق سميت هذه الصورة سأبقى وحيدا
Ameen, not winning the first place does not mean that your photo is less beautiful. It is just a matter of taste which differs from one person to the other and you know that no one can satisfy all people. In my eyes, your photo is the best in this contest, but it looks like that not all people agree with me. Of course, we are human beings and we like winning, but what's important is to make photos that please you rather than pleasing the voters. So, please do not concentrate on winning, please concentrate on making nice photos. Wish you all the best!
Ameen, not winning the first place does not mean that your photo is less beautiful. It is just a matter of taste which differs from one person to the other and you know that no one can satisfy all people. In my eyes, your photo is the best in this contest, but it looks like that not all people agree with me. Of course, we are human beings and we like winning, but what's important is to make photos that please you rather than pleasing the voters. So, please do not concentrate on winning, please concentrate on making nice photos. Wish you all the best!
Ameen, not winning the first place does not mean that your photo is less beautiful. It is just a matter of taste which differs from one person to the other and you know that no one can satisfy all people. In my eyes, your photo is the best in this contest, but it looks like that not all people agree with me. Of course, we are human beings and we like winning, but what's important is to make photos that please you rather than pleasing the voters. So, please do not concentrate on winning, please concentrate on making nice photos. Wish you all the best!
باختصار شديد التقينا مع هذ الرجل المسن حيث أصابته حادثة وعائلته بعيدين عنه ولم يرغب بالحديث معهم لعدم ازعاجهم!!!ولهذا التجيء إلى دار المسنين
ومن هذا المنطلق سميت هذه الصورة سأبقى وحيدا